Hey Guys! I'm just your friendly neighborhood Beachbody Coach, and I'm here to share tons of good helpful stuff with you.
We started our 21 Day Fix Challenge Group this week and my group is pretty amazing so I made them a gift. I drew up these 21 Day Fix Tally Sheets to track our colors throughout the day. I am a visual person and I need to have something hanging up in my kitchen that I can mark as I go through my day.
Some people do better with cell phone aps, I do better with pencil and paper. Maybe that makes me old-fashioned or whatever.
P.S. I would love for you to drop by my
Facebook Page and press that little 'like' button. I share lots of fun stuff like recipes, health tips, and we have free challenge groups too! I'm full of sunshine and I promise to help encourage you to be your best self everyday!
This is me with my 2 youngest kids (I have 4 of these little munchkins).
Children should be the reason you workout, not the reason not to! They need good examples!
I want to share these with you too! Feel free to use these for your own experience in the 21 Day Fix (but please don't remove my information from the page, thanks!)
Please do not use these to sell, don't use them for business purposes, and please don't remove my link. Thanks guys! I wish you the happiest and healthiest 21 days of your life!
1200-1499 Calories Tally Sheet. 21 Day Fix
1200-1499 Calories Tally Sheet. 21 Day Fix |
1500-1799 Calories Tally Sheet. 21 Day Fix
1500-1799 Calories Tally Sheet. 21 Day Fix |
1800-2099 Calories Tally Sheet. 21 Day Fix
1800-2099 Calories Tally Sheet. 21 Day Fix |
2100-2300 Calories Tally Sheet. 21 Day Fix
2100-2300 Calories Tally Sheet. 21 Day Fix |