Saturday, March 5, 2016

Why I QUIT Being a Coach

I quit.

I made a choice and I decided to quit. It wasn’t easy. I have NEVER been a quitter. I think I dug my nails in and held on for so long because I am not the quitting type. I REALLY enjoyed being a Beachbody coach, but something just didn’t feel right and I couldn’t get my heart behind the products so they simply weren’t selling. 

Here’s what I know to be true: If my heart is behind something and I really believe in it, my passion kicks into overdrive and I can sell! But for some reason I hated selling fitness products and “magic smoothies”. So after some soul searching, praying, and more praying, I decided it was time to step down from Beachbody. I love that they are doing their best to end the obesity epidemic, but my health philosophies and theirs don’t match.


-I believe in long-term health. The kind where your weight might fluctuate up and down some but if you graphed your weight it would be a steady movement toward your healthy weight.

-I believe that diets don’t work. I even tried out 21 Day fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme, lost weight, and after the 21 Days were over I found myself eating chocolate, cold cereal, and fried foods, which normally I stay away from (except for chocolate). The few pounds I lost found me again. Our bodies go into survival mode when we diet and when we get the green light that the diet is over our bodies signal us to eat more and gain back the weight so that we will be prepared next time there is another “famine.”  Healthy lifestyles work, diets don’t. BUT, I did learn to love new foods while doing the 21 Day Fix though. Sweet potatoes and spinach are two of my favorites now!

-I believe fitness should be fun, and that we need to have a bigger purpose that just “lose weight” or we will fizzle out. Life needs to be enjoyable! Exercise should be fun and sustainable!

-I believe in whole foods over powders. I love Shakeology but I missed my whole food green smoothies like crazy. I felt better when I was using fresh produce. I could control everything that was going into my smoothie and I didn’t have to add stevia to make my smoothie taste great. I still enjoy adding some Shakeology to my smoothies but I am realizing that a list of powerful ingredients in a powder still doesn’t do as much good for me as a more limited list of whole foods that I mix together myself. I spent well over a thousand dollars figuring that out.  I don’t regret it though. The money I spent on the shakes was an investment into myself. Lessons were learned. The money was well spent.

There is more but I’ll spare you all the details. I am still excited for my friends who are doing great as BB coaches. It just wasn’t for me. I am starting my Physical Training Certification now and I am hoping to combine all of my knowledge to help women to overcome body image issues, and to find the joy in exercise so that we actually WANT to do it!
I wake up excited to do my workouts and I listen to my body so much more closely now. I want every woman to have this kind of power!

Here is what I said in my official Facebook notice that I was quitting Beachbody.

"Hey friends, I thought you would like to know: 
After a lot of thought and prayer, I have decided to step down from being a Beachbody coach for at least the next 6 months.
When I signed up over a year ago to coach I felt I was guided to be with the company and it has been a road of immense growth and change for me. I have learned so much about myself and what I am capable of.
I love the Beachbody products and I feel like the company is doing so much good, but feel like it is time for me to move on and use the lessons I have learned to make a difference in other ways.
Running 2 businesses has been challenging (and fun) for me but in my 2016 goal to Balance my life I feel like working with Beachbody is what I need to let go of. My goals are different than the goals of the company.
So what does this mean? If you signed up under me you will be transferred to my coach instead, and if you have a friend that does Beachbody coaching you have the choice of transferring your membership under them. If you need a suggestion for a stellar coach, I know some great ones!
Also, I will still be here working hard, reaching for my personal fitness goals, and motivating you. I just won't be pushing products anymore. As much as I love my Shakeology, I am a believer in real food over powders.
I will also continue to occasionally run challenges in my JOY in Movement group, which is a group of all women focused on finding the joy in our daily exercise. If you aren't part of that group yet I would LOVE to have you join!
I am also going to keep up my Sunshine and Smoothies Facebook page so you can follow my journey and successes
And on Instagram: sunshineandsmoothiesfitness
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me in this last year with Beachbody! It has been the most extraordinary adventure and I am excited to see what God has planned for me next!"

Follow my journey on Facebook and see what my next adventures will be!
Live joyfully and take care of the beautiful body of yours!


  1. I know it was, is, hard being a coach. Economically many people don't want to pay the coach thru the coach when tv males it cheaper and they pair you with whomever and lose any personal attachment to your good friend coach. I absolutely love shakeology, my wife too, but it's pricey to be healthy regardless unless you garden. The chocolate craving, I can end that debacle and ladies you'll love me for it. Chocolate is also rich in Magnesium, like that nice Epson Salt bath you enjoy. Takes like 52 grams of magnesium to balance 1 gram of sugar on your intake. Not saying go on a binge, stuck to the dark chocolate, less sugars, but enjoy a little cocoa it your life, add a pinch of chili powder and make something spicy, sweet and surprisingly delicious

    1. I like to keep extra dark chocolate chips in the freezer at all times for when I need sweets. Also, I take a magnesium supplement and that has been really helpful! Great insights! Thanks!

  2. I know it was, is, hard being a coach. Economically many people don't want to pay the coach thru the coach when tv males it cheaper and they pair you with whomever and lose any personal attachment to your good friend coach. I absolutely love shakeology, my wife too, but it's pricey to be healthy regardless unless you garden. The chocolate craving, I can end that debacle and ladies you'll love me for it. Chocolate is also rich in Magnesium, like that nice Epson Salt bath you enjoy. Takes like 52 grams of magnesium to balance 1 gram of sugar on your intake. Not saying go on a binge, stuck to the dark chocolate, less sugars, but enjoy a little cocoa it your life, add a pinch of chili powder and make something spicy, sweet and surprisingly delicious
